Monday, February 25, 2008

FRPT: Contracts, Partnership, and Cheetah?

FRPT is having a good run of positive press that started on Thurday with the announcement of European vehicle contracts. 184 Cougar's, Mastiff's, and Buffalo's are on their way to Britain and Italy and adds confidence that Force Protection can be a global supplier for mine resistant vehicles for years to come. Read the press release here. This morning FRPT announced a new partnership with DRS Technologies, Inc., to compete for the JLTV program. FRPT longs had worried that without a partner, FRPT would be a longshot at best contending with bigger rivals such as the Northrup Grumman-Oshkosh, and Lockheed Martin-Armor Holdings joint ventures. Read the press release here. Last but not least, the above photo posted over on the Yahoo message board. No info yet on how legit this is but surely a Cheetah in the picture. The question is, Where?
Additional MRAP news over the weekend:
Big Wheels for Iraq's Mean Streets-New York Times (featuring a great photo of Cougar productions line)
Marines: Story that said lack of MRAPs led to deaths 'mischaracterized report-Stars and Stripes (With link to reports)

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